I agree about "bad models." But both the models that are being criticized and the criticism itself fail to include Fed policy among the explanatory variables.

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What do think about new average inflation targeting?

Will the U.S Federal Reserve achieve its new average inflation targeting policy goal?


"This question resolves positive if the annualized core-PCE inflation is between 1.9 - 2.5 percent between 2020-11 and 2023-11."

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Do you completely discount the market-based inflation measures? 10y breakeven currently 2.22%. Would you be shorting inflation?

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Why are they talking about inflation? Because they are rational agents maximizing their utility. https://www.nakedcapitalism.com/2011/04/blacklisted-economics-professor-found-dead-nc-publishes-his-last-letter.html

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Inflation is a terrible topic of conversation! This piece argues that the new framework for monetary policy - AIT - is DOA


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