Roses are usually red

The sky is sometimes blue

Nothing new at the Fed

It’s behind the curve, too.

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Unlike the right wing politicos we all share a sense of humor!

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Well done.

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I thought we'd need some happy today.

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CPI assessment? Headlines are pointing out it's down. Also, Brainerd's new position? Hard for those of us outside understand the impact of the various positions. Although, leaders lead.

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Oh, I have so much to say about Brainard's appointment. I should write a post on her. She's one of my heroes at the Fed. Her moving to NEC director will be a huge loss for the Fed and a huge win for the White House. On balance, she will likely do more for the country at NEC. And that's a high bar given how much good she is doing for the country at the Fed.

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What is the purpose of the NEC vs. the CEA? I did see Lisa Cook's name mentioned as a possible Vice Chair (probably in WSJ article). Actually, all candidates mentioned were women although too many east coast based.

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NEC helps oversee and propose policy. CEA analyzes (but does not propose) policies. CEA is more like the President's thinktank. NEC Director has more power/importance in Admin than CEA Chair. More candidates here: https://www.politico.com/news/2023/02/13/biden-taps-feds-brainard-as-top-economic-adviser-00082683

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