Today’s post shares some #FedValentines classics. Yes, this is a thing on Twitter. And yes, they are great fun. Enjoy!
Federal funds rate …
What’s old is new again. Raising rates was also a thing in 2019. Why? Unemployment was ‘too low.’ Sound familiar?

Raising rates was a thing in 2016 too, but not 75s.
Forward guidance might be even less successful in romance than in monetary policy. And that’s saying a lot.
The labor market …

That’s from when Neel was still a dove, and 3.5% unemployment was good.

Amen! Also, Heidi has an excellent new piece, “The Federal Reserve must back off interest rate hikes before it’s too late,” with Josh Bivens and Elise Gould. cc FOMC.
Balance sheets, banking, and bailouts …
That one is my favorite.

Most Fed Reserve Banks join in the fun. Maybe someday, the Board too?
Prices …
I suspect that one will sadly be fitting for CPI Day today.

Awww, sweet. I’d also be happy with 2% inflation and 4% wage growth.
So many more …
That’s only a small sampling. Today, if you search #FedValentine and #FedValentines on Twitter, I am sure you will find lovely new ones.
Here are some notable 2023 one …

Roses are usually red
The sky is sometimes blue
Nothing new at the Fed
It’s behind the curve, too.
Unlike the right wing politicos we all share a sense of humor!